Ok, so, sorry for my pathetic post yesterday. 今日、ドラゴンボルを話しましょう!No...? でも、ピコロが大好きです!私はかっこいと思います。 Oh, yeah: ジャムズマルスタスはピコロです。 In the upcomming movie, that is. Does that even make sense?
私はかぶきを見ました。ちょっとおもしろかったですが、でも、むずかしです。きさきとバンパイアがあったと思います。 ぎんざのかぶきざで見ました。Also, the men did not make very convincing women.
ドラゴンバルz?Never watched it. I heard that Dragonball is better, though.
子どもの時、カドカプタサクラをみましたか?I never did either, actually. However, if you watch the first ep in Japanese, you can pretty much understand EVERYTHING. It's so cool!
Personally, I like DBZ better. (I watched both.) DBZ is just...more epic, and therefore funnier.
The dude whose picture is up is James Marsters, who was spike is Buffy the Vampire Slayer and is supposedly going to play Piccolo.
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